Reflexology Massage in Cancun, MX
Reflexology Massage can help reduce symptoms such as headaches, body aches, anxiety and digestive problems that arise in many medical conditions.
Reflexology Massage Benefits
- Reflexology benefits your Body. When the reflex areas are stimulated, your entire body relaxes, which has a tremendous impact on how your body feels. Through Reflexology, you may gain an increased awareness of various body sensations. For example, you may notice how “tight” your body feels in a stressful situation versus how “loose” it feels at rest. It is important to note these sensations, as it may help motivate you to maintain your relaxed state.
- Reflexology benefits your Mind. When your body is at rest, your mind can relax. A relaxed mind has more thoughts of appreciation and gratitude than a stressed mind which houses thoughts of worry and fear. Through Reflexology, you may gain an increased awareness of the multitude of thoughts that enter your mind. For example, you may become more aware of the number of positive thoughts versus negative thoughts you have in certain situations. It is important to note these thoughts, as it may help motivate you to retain the positive and discard the negative.
- Reflexology benefits the Sole. Your feet, or course, feel rejuvenated at the end of a session. You’ll likely notice how light and flexible your feet feel after your treatment. Through Reflexology, you may also notice a benefit for your soul, or spirit. For example, when your body is not tight with pain and your mind is not clouded with negative thoughts, you may become more aware of your intuitive side as you become more present in your surroundings.